Wednesday 1 December 2010

Possible locations for filming:


A house is one of many possible locations were we can film our title opening sequence. This is because the props needed to film this includes such props as beds, kitchen stairway which we discussed when we was putting the story together. This as a result would be an ideal location to film.


when researching and discussing where we wanted to film our project, the woods was a place mentioned by one of the group members. This is mainly due to the fact that our title opening sequence is a thriller and the woods at night can be a perfect place to film a thrilling scene. However due to the location of our college and where most of us live is in London and in London there are not too many woods were we can film our project.

Shopping centre 

Another location which went through our minds during the process of researching locations to film our title opening sequence is a shopping centre. We thought it will create a dramatic scene if the character is getting chased through out the shopping centre by a clown. However this may take many takes as civilians might  walk across when filming which can become very time consuming.