Sunday 5 December 2010

Shooting Schedule

Monday 29th November

9:30am: The group, consisting of Taylor, myself (Moe), Sam and Farah meet as per usual during the media lesson and briefly discuss the procedures of the day and how it is going to take place. Continuing to update our bloggs during this brief meeting.

11:00am:  Farah heads of to the location of our shooting (her house) prepares everything including props, bed, laptop, alarm clock, clown, video camera and tripod.  This process should take around 2 hours to setup.

1:00-1:30pm: Farah goes to meet our actress (Magnolia) at lee green station and head back off the location of shooting and prepare for filming whilst waiting for the rest of the group to arrive.

2:00pm:  Taylor, Sam, myself (Moe) meet outside of Greenwich community college ready to depart and make our way to the location where we are going to shoot our title opening sequence. The journey should take roughly around an hour and a half and split into to parts.

2:15pm: 122 bus from outside of  Greenwich community college to lee green Sainsbury

3:00pm: 261 bus from outside of sainsburys to our location, Kingbolton road.

3:30pm: Reach our location ready to shoot our title opening sequence

3:45pm-4:30pm:  Sit down with the actress and discuss every process of the shooting and explain everything in detail whilst always making sure she is fine with everything and getting her consent before filming.

4:30pm-4:45pm: The actress prepares herself by changing to her costume whilst we setup the camera and prepare all the angles and shots the we are going to take of each clip.

4:45pm-5:15pm: Filming!

5:15pm-5:30pm:  15 minutes break to energise ourselves and prepare for another hour of shooting.

5:30pm-6:30pm:   Filming!

6:35pm:  Finish filming.

6:40pm-7:00pm: Sit down with the whole group and look through all the clips that we have shot. Also discussing to see if we are all happy with all the shots taken or if any shots need to be re-filmed.

7:00pm: ITS A WRAP!!