Wednesday 5 January 2011

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the process of constructing my blog and our title opening sequence, i have used the following technologies:

  • Adobe premiere elements 3.0 
From this peice of technology i have learnt how to edit successfully and overcome and obsticals that have occured. i have laso learnt how to insert music into clips to make it sound more effective. Addition of transactions is also another thing that i have learnt usuing this software which helped make our final product much smoother. Lastly i have learnt how to export finished clips onto a dvd which we later desgined for our final cover.

  • Blackberry Bold 9700 
I own a blackberry bold which honestly i havent learnt something new from it but it helped us as a group take necessary pictures at important times. For example pictures which show us working on our blog or pictures of us editing or even filming.

  • Microsoft Word  
Microsoft word is a software that i have been using since i was at primary school. During the process of contructing our product i havent learned anything new from it but it was very helpfull to use. For example when typing away on blogger we make many spelling mistakes which blogger doesnt recognise, so what i most of the time is copy and paste what ever i write on blogger onto microsoft word which then identifies any spelling mistakes made.

  •  Blogger
Blogger is an important part of our contructing our product as it updates the teacher and other group members of what you are doing and how far you have reached. From blogger i have learnt how to upload pictures and resize them to look suitable. In addition to this i have learnt how to change font types,colours and design templates whoch helped my blog stand out and look different. Using blogger format i have alos learnt how to anyalise films and also our own product so that it loosk right and not out of place.

  •  Windows Hotmail
Throughout my teenage years i have used hotmail for jobs, work and e-mails. However through contructing our product i have learnt something new for hotmail, how to attach files and folders to e-mails. This was very important as we as a group only saw each other twice a week in class so we was very relyant on this software. I attach files and pictures to other group members which helped them with their blog and they did the same. Even our teacher sent us work through hotmail which makes it a lot easier.

  •  Video Camera
Video camera is one of the most important peice of technology that we have used whilst contructing our product because without it, we wouldnt of been able to film our preliminary task or our title opening sequence. Whilst using the video camera i learnt how to hold it steadly, pause, fast forward, rewind, view video and pictures, stop and how to put it into night mode. All of these things aided us when we were filming our film and we were able to use it to our advantage.

  • Google
Google is a search engine that i have used since ive started using computers. i havent learnt anything new from it since we have been using it whilst contructing our product but it has been very helpfull. Google helped me gather information and research for films. This helped me wrtite a deatiled analysis when analysing films for our research and development. Google maps also helped us reach our destination of filming (Farah's house). We entered her post code and it gave us directions to her house.

  • Microsoft paint
Microsoft paint is another software that i used which helped me contruct my final product. Whilst using paint i learnt how to print screen images from youtube and paste it onto paint, which then abled me to cut it and let me use the image i intended to use in the first place. for example:

This then ables me to cut and paste images which i used to analyise our final product and also many other thriller films. I used this technique in many of most posts, when identifing our target audience and mainly when analysing films.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at our preliminary task i beleive i have learnt alot of this things ranging from media aspects to working as a group. i feel as a individual i have grown as a media student from when i started in september, developing my editing skills and also my knowlege of media terms. Understanding the meanings and influence of different types of shots e.g. shot reverse shot has helped me use this to my advantage. As you can see from the still of editing from my preliminary task and our actual title opening sequence, there is a huge difference. For example:

This is the start of our preliminary task, a simple basic shot of our character just sitting down at a desk doing his work at a computer. No music used, pictures or transactions.

And this is the start of our actual title opening sequence. As you can see the development from our preliminary task we have created this picture of our title opening sequence to make it more interesting whilst playing suitable music in the background.

This is a shot of our character downstairs in the hall way. We used this to show the audience the location and setting of the film whilst at the same time going back to our pictures that we created of the actress's name. This shows how far we have come from our preliminary task adding pictures and using such methods and techniques stated above to show the audience who is in the film whilst showing the settings.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

How did you attract/address your audience?

As a group we tried to adopt many things in order for us to attract our audience. As we gathered from our research, our target audience where going to be from the ages of 16-24 mainly aiming at the teenage bracket. So therefore we wanted to represent this age group in our product as a technique to attract the highlighted target audience. We portrayed your typical teenager in our product in the form of our character Samantha Evans.

As i mentioned in her character profile she is your typical teenager who likes to party and socialise with her friends. In todays western world, these acts are very recognizable of a teenagers life. So we as a result decided to show this in our piece so that the audience can feel like they can relate to the film.

By doing all of this, it also helps address the audience on what this other fellow teenager is going through in her life. It address's them in all different levels from everyday normal teenage issues to them being addressed as the audience and seeing what they are going through everyday but the through the prospective of another person.