Wednesday 5 January 2011

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at our preliminary task i beleive i have learnt alot of this things ranging from media aspects to working as a group. i feel as a individual i have grown as a media student from when i started in september, developing my editing skills and also my knowlege of media terms. Understanding the meanings and influence of different types of shots e.g. shot reverse shot has helped me use this to my advantage. As you can see from the still of editing from my preliminary task and our actual title opening sequence, there is a huge difference. For example:

This is the start of our preliminary task, a simple basic shot of our character just sitting down at a desk doing his work at a computer. No music used, pictures or transactions.

And this is the start of our actual title opening sequence. As you can see the development from our preliminary task we have created this picture of our title opening sequence to make it more interesting whilst playing suitable music in the background.

This is a shot of our character downstairs in the hall way. We used this to show the audience the location and setting of the film whilst at the same time going back to our pictures that we created of the actress's name. This shows how far we have come from our preliminary task adding pictures and using such methods and techniques stated above to show the audience who is in the film whilst showing the settings.