Monday 29 November 2010

Group Meeting

Attendants of meeting: Myself (Moe), Sam, Taylor and Farah.

Before the actual meeting me (Sam) and Farah made an agenda of what had to be discussed and sorted out at this meeting.

  • Synopsis
  • Storyboard - Draw up (Who is going to draw it?)
  • Locations/Props (Where is it going to be filmed, what is needed to film it?)
  • Who will be our target audience?
  • Characters (Who are the characters in it and who will play them?) 
  • What our roles within the group are?
15:46pm: The main thing we had to get sorted out in this meeting was our synopsis. We had to make sure we knew what was going to happen through our title opening sequence. As a group we all discussed possible ideas for the synopsis, as we was doing this Moe was taking down bullet points so we can remember our ideas. Once we all finished giving our ideas, we tried to merge them all together. Also as we were giving our ideas we also came up with shots, movements and actions that can go into our title opening sequence. Whilst talking about our synopsis we managed to talk about different editing techniques which we could use. As we want the toy clowns eyes to move I think it was important we sorted out how this could be done.

16:19pm: While we was discussing ideas for our synopsis, we realised that some of the ideas in it was really good. Therefore we thought it would be best if we took them ideas and actually put them in our title opening sequence. We all felt that this will help us to make out title opening sequence more dramatic/tense and would really connect to our intended target audience.

16:34pm: We all then went on to watch the title opening sequence from Carousel. This shows the ability to use a clown to create a dramatic scene along with a scene that the audience and connect with and makes them want to watch on. This title opening sequence also showed us that we can use characters, in this case a clown, to create a happy or evil vibe. When thinking about a clown character you usually think straight away the clown is happy, bubbly and fun. In recent years, films are changing these clown perceptions and making them bad and evil. This is working really well as you feel you should be able to trust a clown, this is making the audience glued to the screen. Also a clown costume can be used as a great disguise in some areas, For example, Bank Robberies.

14:50pm: At the end of this meeting someone came up with a really good idea that was to film most of this title opening sequence from the prospectus of the clown. We thought that this was a great way to interact with the audience and bring them into it.