Wednesday 3 November 2010

Thriller target audince:

The target audience for a thriller movie depends on the catogary of what kind of thriller the movies comes under. If the film is a crime thriller such as se7en, then its tragets audeince is likely to be male based ranging from 18-25. This is mainly due to the fact that young males are most intested in crime as research would suggest. However consiparcy and religous thrillers such as flightplan and The Da Vinci Code are mainly targeted at a much mature audince, most likely ranging from 25-50 consisting both of males and females. This is down to the high level of concentration needed to understand the plot and it also deals with more serious matter and issues that a younger audience may not understand. With a younger audience a more high paced, scene to scene film is needed to keep them interested in the film such as fight club. In conclusion pending on the type of thriller, different audience types will be targeted and identified. Our perfect target audience for our peice will be covered in the next post.