Wednesday 24 November 2010

Information – Theme, Character, Location, Narrative, Genre

  • Theme -Dark theme with bloody reference
  • Character – possibly mentally distressed. Blade and needle are shown within the title opening sequence.
  • Location – office, desk, in the city.
The dark theme with the bloody reference immediately tells the audience that the film is likely to be a horror of thriller.The use of the blade and needle could symbolise a suicidal character or possibly an addict character.Character possibly a city worker on verge of suicide?
  • Thriller

Thriller is a genre of literature, film and television that uses suspense, tension and excitement as the main elements. The primary subgenres of thrillers are: mystery, crime and psychological thrillers. After the assassination of President Kennedy, political thriller and paranoid thriller films became very popular. The brightest examples of thrillers are the Hitchcock’s movies.

Camera Work
  • Extreme close up

  • Close up

  • Birds eye 

Extreme close up shows small objects such as needles being used. E.g. if a normal medium shot was used the needle wouldn’t have that much of an effect. Close up showing  razor blade and showing the effect of it as the character peels of skin. Bird’s eye view  gives u the location of the character and what they are working on (desk, books, blades, needles)

Mise-en-scene – Lighting, movement, figure, props, costume, colour, cinematography, Font, Type
  • Location – at a desk,
  • Props- blade, needle
  • Figure- shadow
  • Colour – black, white and red
  • Font – blurry
This represents a working person. Possibly a city worker or a person at work.Blade and needle immediately emphasizes violence and pain which catches the viewer’s attention. Colours that are used in the title opening sequence are mostly black, white and red. This clearly states a dark theme with black. Blood with the red. So before the film starts we already know that it’s going to include these features.
Starts off slow paced to build up tension. Gradually when it gets to the more violent images such as razor blade and needle, the pace of the music speeds up. The use of this type of sound helps to create suspense and tension Which leaves the audience anticipating what’s going to happen within this film.
Sharp cuts from one image to another. This symbolises pain and torture. This also leaves the audience expecting when the next cut is coming and leaves understanding the style of editing more.