Monday 15 November 2010

Snatch title sequence:

Information – Theme, Character, Location, Narrative

From the get go, you as the audience can identify this film is going to be about money and diamonds with the props used. the location of the scene changes from character to character. for example it goes from a man in a suite sitting behind a desk, to a scruffy chav in a trailer park, to a man in a suite gambling on a table. From the all the imgaes that was provieded to us through the opening, it states that it s likely going to have crime refrences with money,diamonds and violennce shown in the clip. This creats a thriller crime theme which the audience can identify by watching.

Genre -  Thriller/Crime
This particular genre is a hybrid type of both crime films and thrillers that offers a suspenseful account of a successful or failed crime or crimes. These films often focus on the criminal(s) rather than a policeman. Crime thrillers usually emphasize action over psychological aspects. Central topics of these films include serial killers/murders, robberies, chases, shootouts, heists and double-crosses. Some examples of crime thrillers involving murderers include, Seven.

Camera Work

  • medium shot
  • close up
  • extreme close up
All of these shot types are used to show different meanings and influences towards the audience. For example the close up shot us used to show jewellery,money and violence. This straight away indicates to the audience that the film is going to have money and blood reference.  The medium shot is used to show the the character and the location he/she is around.For example at the beginning it shows four men in the back of a van holding a diamond, this could indicate to a robbery. Mid shot is also used to introduce the characters briefly. This type of shot and freezing the shot, helps the audience identify the characters involved in the film.

Mise-en-scene – Lighting, movement, figure, props, costume, colour, cinematography, Font, Type
  • Font Type - Bold underlined 

  • Props -  Diamond, Jewellery,Pack of cards, Guns

The bold font used in the sequence is used to show the characters name and the films name. This makes a clear statement of who the characters are and what their names are and what the films name is. The props used such as Diamonds, jewellery, cards and guns make a clear statement that the film is going to contain money, gambling and violence as each prop represents this.

Sound and Editing

The music used in this title opening sequence is very effective  along with the editing used. The music is very fast paced, almost jumpy like, adventurous. With this type of music used and the sharp editing but smoothly cuts from one clip to another making it continuous as if someone is walking through to the next clip. Editing methods such as cross dissolve helped it make the process smoother. The music and editing clearly indicates that the film is going to be fast paced, end to end stuff..